How to Obtain a Nevada Concealed Carry Permit

Step 1: Pre-Class Requirements and Eligibility

  • Valid driver’s license or identification card
  • Current address, contact and employment information
  • Valid email address and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express) ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE

Eligibility is fairly straight forward in the state of Nevada. If you are 21 yrs of age, not legally prohibited from possessing a firearm you can qualify for a permit. More details about eligibility here.

Step 2: Complete a qualifying course

You need to take a class that qualifies for the permit. The Nevada Sheriff’s and Chiefs’ Association sets forth the requirements. All of the classes advertised on this website qualify. More details can be obtained on the individual class descriptions. (See class schedule here)

Upon successful completion of the training class, our instructor will provide you with a Certificate of Training.

Step 3: Submit Your Application to Your County Sheriff’s Office

Use our directory to find the address, phone, and website for your local county sheriff’s office here: Nevada County Sheriff Offices

Your county will give you specific instructions including:

  • When they accept applications
  • What forms of payment they accept
  • If you need to fill out the application prior to coming
  • If they require you take a training course within the county
  • The cost of the application