Posts Tagged ‘guns’
Las Vegas Carrier Defends Man from His Own Son’s Knife Attack
Bringing a knife to a gunfight is a proverbially terrible idea. Pulling a knife on a helpless civilian is a legally terrible idea. Pulling a knife on a helpless civilian who is accompanied by a person with a gun is perhaps the MOST terrible idea. However, that’s what happened in Las Vegas last Thursday, November 9th.
Read MoreLas Vegas Man Kills Knife-Wielding Intruder in Self-Defense
A Las Vegas resident had one of the biggest scares of his life, Tuesday night as his home was broken into by a man carrying a knife. Luckily, the homeowner was bringing a gun to the gun fight.
Read MoreNevada Legislature Kills Two Anti-Gun Bills
Back in March, there was quite a bit of worry around gun owners of Nevada for two pieces of anti-gun legislature that were on the road through the state house but now it appears that these bills are no more.
Read MoreNevada Announces Second Protection Order, Taking Away More Guns
In a session on Tuesday, The Nevada Senate Judiciary Committee discussed a bill that would require any person that has been convicted of stalking or with extended protection orders against them to surrender their firearms over to the state government.
Read MoreMedical Marijuana users Soon to Be Able to Purchase Guns?
Nevada’s State Legislature is currently in the process of looking through several bills regarding marijuana and firearms including one that may be making a lot of headlines in the state soon, Senate Bill 351.
Read More“Pre-Hillary Sale” in Las Vegas Gun Store
The Westside Armory, a gun shop in Las Vegas has been advertising a “Pre-Hillary Sale” this coming weekend, in response to Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s words, “the Second Amendment is on the ballot in November.”
Read MoreNevada Open and Concealed Carry Laws
This article is meant to take a look at Nevada’s open and concealed carry laws so that you folks can get a better idea what is and is not legal in the state.
Read MoreNevada’s Gun Obsession Gone Viral: Study Shows Nevada Number 1 in Nation for Gun Related Hashtags and Photos
The study was attempting to draw a between gun violence and gun-related social media posts, with (debate-ably) mixed results. What the study ultimately concluded was that #gun social media mentions mirror the nation’s views for better or worse.”
Read MoreWhy The Media is Wrong About Violent Crime
If you have listened to the news for any amount of time, you have heard countless accounts of violent crimes that sometimes make you question the morality of the human race. Without a doubt, you have heard someone say something like, “Society is getting increasingly violent.” In fact, the media ensures that crimes involving mentally ill people using firearms…
Read MoreThis is the Script to Use When Contacting Schools About Eddie Eagle
Eddie Eagle is a program launched by the NRA to help protect kids from guns and accidents related to guns. Do you remember the DARE program? Cop goes into school and tells kids not to do drugs? Same kind of concept but with centered around teaching the kids not to play with guns. The NRA donates…
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