Jacob Weighs in on ABC Story About Warning Shots

Recently I had the opportunity to speak to the local ABC Denver team to chime in on a incident where a supposed bounty hunter chased a robbery suspect out of a Subway store and fired first warning shots into the air and then fired shots at the robbers car in order to prevent his escape.…

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Things Gun People Say That Make My Blood Boil

A few Jacob Pet Peeves are going to come out here today. There are a handful of things that I hear often in the gun community that are either out right wrong or tend to communicate the wrong message. Here are a few that I really don’t like. Because Its My Right I often hear…

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Justified Shooters September 2015 Edition

#JustifiedShooters is a series of articles that we publish to share real life examples of people who have used a firearm legally in self-defense. When you find such a story share it with the hashtage #justifedshooters and click here for other articles in the series. Older Patron Defends Himself During Bank Robbery A bank customer…

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Law Enforcement – To Inform or Not to Inform

Recently a man made national headlines when he traveled into the state of New Jersey for work and was arrested when he volunteered to an officer that he had a firearm in his vehicle. The man, from North Carolina was unfamiliar with New Jersey law and felt he was doing his duty by informing the…

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Justified Shooters May 12th 2015 Edition

We make an effort to take note of real life situations in which the shooter was justified. These stories help us remember that we are training for real life and we can’t predict or imagine where we might find ourselves when we have to act in defense of ourselves or others. Follow us on Facebook…

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